ICCTA Action Alert
Jan. 22, 2002

Support Increased Funds for Child Care Assistance

Please send a letter to the Illinois Department of Human Services to: 1) support an increase in funding of child care assistance for parents in education and training programs to $15 million from $7.5 million for FY02, and 2) urge the Department to make this funding increase permanent. This action is an important step in determining the status of this program for 2003!

It is rumored that the Governor is considering eliminating the program completely in his proposed budget for next year, which he will announce on February 20:

  • IDHS increased the current year's budget based on its internal analysis of program utilization trends.
  • This budget increase is only temporary; the revision to the rules governing the program announced by IDHS provides that future years' funding will revert to $7.5 million.
  • Currently, close to 3,000 people use this program monthly. It is critical that the budget be maintained at $15 million accommodate current levels of usage.
Below is a sample letter you can use to submit comments on your college's letterhead to the Department of Human Services. If possible, include one or more examples of parents using this program to better their lives. Also, ask parents using the program to write a short letter in their own words.

Comments to the Department of Human Services are due by January 28, 2002.

Please send your letters to:
Susan Weir, Bureau Chief
Illinois Department of Human Services
Third Floor, Harris Building
100 South Grand Avenue East
Springfield, IL 62762
Ph: 217-785-9772, Fax: 217-557-1547

Sen. Barack Obama, co-chair, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
105B State House
Springfield, IL 62706

Rep. Art Tenhouse, co-chair, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
314 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

In addition, please send a copy of letters to ICCTA (fax: 217-528-8662) and to Sharon Bush at Women Employed via e-mail at sbush@womenemployed.org or fax at (312) 782-5249.


January xx, 2002

Susan Weir, Bureau Chief
Bureau of Administrative Rules and Procedures
Department of Human Services
100 South Grand Avenue East
Third Floor Harris Building
Springfield, Illinois 62762

Dear Ms. Weir:

We would like to thank the Department of Human Services for recognizing the need to increase funding to the Child Care for Education and Training program to $15 million from $7.5 million for FY 2002. As the Department has realized, this program has grown steadily over the past two years and has helped many people realize an important goal: to provide adequate care to their children while simultaneously improving their education and earnings.

Here is an example of how this program helps Illinois families: (ENTER YOUR STORY HERE)

However, we are concerned that the proposed rule change, which states that funding reverts to $7.5 million in subsequent fiscal years, will deprive many individuals of the opportunity to obtain the child care assistance they need to attend education or training programs. Therefore, we urge the Department to alter the proposed rule to state that funding remains at $15 million in subsequent fiscal years. This change will accommodate the growth of the program and allow more low-income Illinois families to qualify for child care assistance to attend education and training programs and ultimately increase their earnings.

Your name and title

cc: Senator Barack Obama, co-chair, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
Representative Art Tenhouse, co-chair, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules

For additional information on state legislative issues, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.

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Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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