ICCTA Action Alert
February 29, 2000
The Illinois General Assembly
has nearly completed half of its spring 2000 legislative session.
Last Friday (Feb. 25) was the deadline for passage of
non-appropriation-related Senate bills out of the Illinois Senate.
The Illinois House of Representatives has a similar deadline
(this Friday, March 3) for the passage of House bills.
Both houses will return to Springfield tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 29).
Bills Passed by the House
Illinois Career Scholarships (House Bill 4265 -- Wirsing)
HB 4265 creates the Illinois Career Scholarship program to
provide high school students not seeking baccalaureate degrees
with $1,000 grants to pursue training in occupational programs
certified by the Illinois Workforce Investment Board, the
Illinois Community College Board, the Illinois State Board of
Education, or the Illinois Board of Higher Education. HB 4265
passed out of the House and was sent to the Senate for further
Transfer of Adult Education to ICCB (HB 4266 -- Ryder)
House Bill 4266 would transfer all of ISBE's powers and duties
concerning adult education to ICCB on July 1, 2001. HB 4266
passed out of the House (83 - 31) and was sent to the Senate for
further consideration.
Elimination of IBHE Site Approval for Opportunities Fund Projects
(HB 3993 -- Wirsing)
HB 3993 would change the purposes for which expenditures and
distributions from the AFDC Opportunities Fund shall be made
to ICCB. It removes the requirement that a community college
board secure IBHE's prior approval before entering into an
installment loan arrangement with a financial institution to
borrow money to buy sites and to buy or build and equip buildings
and improvements. HB 3993 passed out of the House and was sent
to the Senate for further consideration.
Review of FOIA Denials (HB 3469 -- Rutherford)
Under this Freedom of Information Act legislation initiated by
Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan, a person denied access to
inspect or copy a public record by the head of a public body
may request a review of the denial by either the Illinois
Attorney General or a state's attorney. The bill also authorizes
the Attorney General or state's attorney to seek declaratory or
injunctive relief against a public body that fails to disclose
records in response to the determination that its denial was
unlawful. HB 3469 passed out of the House and was sent to the
Senate for further consideration.
FOIA Attorney Fees (HB 4341 -- Currie)
HB 4341 provides that if an FOIA lawsuit is brought against
a public body and a court determines that the entity unlawfully
refused to permit the inspection, examination, or copying of a
public record, the court shall award the person bringing the
suit the reasonable costs of enforcing the Act, including
reasonable attorney's fees. HB 4341 passed out of the House
and was sent to the Senate for further consideration.
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Bills Passed by the Senate
#911 Number/Location Identification (Senate Bill 1400 -- Klemm)
SB 1400 would move the deadline (to June 30, 2001) for when
telephone switchboard services must be connected to the public
witched network in a manner that calls to "911" result in
automatic number and location identification. Current law
mandates June 30, 2000, as the deadline. SB 1400 passed out
of the Senate and was sent to the House for further consideration.
Arthur F. Quern Information Technology Grants (SB 1444 -- Dillard)
SB 1444 would establish an information technology grant program
to provide up to $2,500 per need-based scholarship for retraining
in information technology fields. SB 1444 passed out of the Senate
and was sent to the House for further consideration.
Prepaid Tuition Contracts (SB 1537 -- Watson)
This bill would exempt the assets and income of the Illinois
Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund from taxation and provides that the
contract shall be considered an investment for the purpose of
investing a ward's money. SB 1537 passed out of the Senate and
was sent to the House for further consideration.
MAP Grant Increase (SB 1538 -- Watson)
This legislation increases the maximum Monetary Award Program
grant for full-time students by $210 (from $4,530 to $4,740).
Community college students cannot access these higher grant
amounts because community colleges do not charge tuition rates
that are high enough to qualify students for the higher grants.
SB 1538 passed out of the Senate and was sent to the House
for further consideration.
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Bills Not Advanced by Either House
Definition Change for Athletic Trainers (SB 2896 -- Brunsvold)
HB 2896 would change the definitions of the terms "licensed athletic
trainer" and "referral" to expand the scope of practice for licensed
athletic trainers, permitting them to perform many of the functions
of licensed physical therapists without the appropriate educational
background. HB 2896 is on 2nd reading in the House.
Dissection Alternatives Act (HB 3254 -- Gash)
Under this legislation, schools may excuse a student from performing
or observing dissection and may allow the student to instead perform
an alternative project. ICCTA generally opposes efforts by the
General Assembly to mandate higher education curriculum. HB 3254
is on 3rd reading in the House.
Metropolitan Community College District (HB 3500-- Younge)
This bill would require ICCB to establish an experimental community
college district comprised of the territory of the former
Metropolitan Community College district in East St. Louis.
ICCB dissolved the MCC district in 1999. HB 3500 is on 3rd reading
in the House.
Free Tuition for "B" Students (HB 3831 -- Lang)
This bill creates the State University Scholarship Act, which would
allow provide scholarships for entering freshman, sophomores,
juniors, and seniors at public community colleges and universities
who maintain a "B" average. The scholarship -- which is subject to
the amounts appropriated by the General Assembly -- would include
tuition and mandatory fees. HB 3831 is on 3rd reading in the House.
For additional information on state legislative issues,
contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
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Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
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