ICCTA Action Alert
May 4, 2001
Both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly
adjourned Thursday afternoon and are scheduled to return to Springfield on Tuesday,
May 8. The House has completed most of its committee work on Senate bills, while the
Senate has scheduled May 11 as the deadline to consider House bills in a Senate committee.
Major issues currently before lawmakers include the redrawing of legislative and
congressional districts and the development of the FY 2002 budget. Some observers
predict that because there may be difficulty in reaching agreement on these issues,
the scheduled final adjournment date of May 25 might not be met.
Bills of Interest to Community Colleges
Several bills of interest to community colleges have been approved by both houses and
will be sent to the Governor for his approval. Others have advanced as follows:
HB 1905 -- Community College Treasurers Bond Reduction (Wojcik - Wirsing / Cronin)
This ICCTA initiative reduces the amount of the required bond for community college
treasurers (outside of Chicago) to be the same as that for K-12 board treasurers.
This reduction in premium payments could save community colleges between $350,000 and
$500,000 per year. HB 1905 has passed both houses and will be sent to the Governor.
HB 289 -- Statements of Economic Interest (Johnson / Karpiel)
Provides that a person whose multiple offices or positions each require a Statement of
Economic Interests need file only one statement with the Secretary of State (for offices
and positions required to file with the Secretary of State) or one statement with the
county clerk (for offices and positions required to file with the county clerk).
HB 289 has passed both houses and will be sent to the Governor.
HB 921 -- Interior Design Practice Act Reauthorization (Pankau / Noland)
Reauthorizes the Interior Design Practice Act for 10 years until January 1, 2012.
The current Act, which sunsets at the end of 2001, was vigorously opposed by
architects for extending the sunset until 2012. Several community colleges offer
programs in interior design. HB 921 has passed both houses and will be sent to the Governor.
HB 572 -- Physical Therapist Continuing Education (Bradley / Burzynski)
Requires 40 hours of continuing education per license renewal cycle for a physical
therapist, and 20 hours of continuing education per license renewal cycle for a physical
therapist assistant. Changes the definition of "physical therapy aide."
HB 572 passed out of the Senate Licensing Committee 7-0.
ICCTA Lobby Day is May 9 -- call 1-800-454-2282 to register or sign up on-line
For additional information on state legislative issues,
contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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