ICCTA Action Alert
June 3, 2002

The following legislative update was prepared by the Illinois Community College Board.

ICCB Update on FY 03 Budget

The Senate and the House adjourned last night after a long week of budget and revenue negotiations. Senate Bill 2393, the legislation that appropriates funding for Fiscal Year 2003, passed both chambers over the weekend. The economic picture for Illinois, as you know, remains uncertain. For community colleges, however, the news was generally good. We were funded at the level Governor Ryan originally recommended in February for Base Operating Grants, and at the levels he recommended for restricted and special grants. The only exception to the generally good news was a reduction of $3.7 million in adult education for all providers. We are currently identifying other federal and state resources that could help fill that void.

On the plus side, the "add-ons" for community colleges that Governor Ryan proposed in his revised May 27 budget were maintained:
  • $5 million for downstate community colleges
  • $5 million for the City Colleges of Chicago
  • $2 million for the City Colleges of Chicago for their core technology infrastructure upgrade
We are still reviewing the legislation that contains the appropriations the General Assembly approved for capital projects. Those numbers also look favorable and I will provide a complete list for you once we have completed our review.

Despite this good news for Illinois community colleges, I should offer a word of caution. There are reports that the revenues provided by the General Assembly - an increase in the cigarette tax, a tax increase on gaming, "de-coupling" a new accelerated depreciation of equipment on the federal tax form from the Illinois tax form for businesses, and "securitization" of the tobacco settlement money - may not be enough to cover the appropriations. Governor Ryan may still have to make cuts in those appropriations and may make an announcement in the next few days in that regard. According to reports, Speaker of the House Michael Madigan thinks that if the Governor determines cuts are necessary, the General Assembly could be called back into special session to address those issues.

For additional information on state legislative issues, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.

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Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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