ICCTA Action Alert
July 5, 2001

Gov. Ryan To Sign Adult Education Funding Bill

Gov. George H. Ryan has just scheduled a ceremony to sign Senate Bill 914 on Monday, July 9, 2001 at 10 AM in the Stephens Room in Menard Hall at Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield.

This bill establishes a fund in the State Treasury that allows the Illinois Community College Board to receive and distribute federal adult education and family literacy funds. Its signing is being used as a forum to announce to the press and the public the appropriation of $9 million in new state funds for adult education and family literacy programs.

Trustees contributed greatly to achieving this increase and to making adult education and literacy a rising priority in Illinois, and Gov. Ryan cordially invites you to attend this event. Please come to celebrate your achievement and to thank the Governor, his staff, and the legislators in attendance for their support in the transfer of administration and the appropriation of the largest single-year increase for adult education on record. All adult education program providers are being invited separately and being asked to bring their students to demonstrate appreciation to the Governor for another step forward for adult education and literacy in Illinois.

If you plan to attend, please let Sarah Hawker know so she can give a list of attendees to the Governor's office. She can be reached at shawker@iccb.state.il.us or 217-785-0088.

For additional information on state legislative issues, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.

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Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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