ICCTA Board Highlights
March 13, 2001
The ICCTA Board of Representatives took the following actions at its March 10, 2001,
meeting at the Radisson O'Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois:
- Heard a presentation from OrganizAmericaŠ, which has developed an affinity program
with ICCTA to offer financial-planning services to community college employees;
- Welcomed City Colleges of Chicago board chair James Tyree, who discussed the board's
recent privatization of business services and technology;
- Shared ideas on ways to improve the recruitment of minority faculty, including:
1) elevate the image of community colleges to make them more attractive to potential
candidates; 2) take advantage of faculty exchange and minority mentor programs;
3) "grow your own" faculty candidates; 4) advertise in diverse publications; and
5) create a positive and supportive social element on campus;
- Were presented with the following slate of candidates for ICCTA office:
- * Jack Daley (Moraine Valley) -- vice president
- * Jake Rendleman (Logan) -- secretary
- * Patti Wojcikowski (South Suburban) -- treasurer
The ICCTA Board of Representatives will formally elect officers for
2001-2002 at its June meeting in Chicago;
- Approved the Government Relations Committee's recommended positions on pending
state legislation. ICCTA Lobby Day is scheduled for May 9 in Springfield;
- Sought trustee input for the upcoming Illinois Community College Board funding
formula study;
- Adopted ICCTA's budget for FY 2002, which includes a 1.6 percent increase over
last year;
- Learned that ICCTA will conduct a DACUM (Develop a Curriculum) study on
trustee skills this summer. Tom England (Richland) will co-chair the project with
consultant Rebecca Woodhull;
- Urged local boards to ask their lawmakers to support Gov. George Ryan's
proposed FY 2002 budget, including his two-year, $250 million capital program
to replace temporary facilities at community colleges. ICCB indicates that it
has recommended to the Governor's office that 40 projects be funded (20 each year),
and the Presidents Council is surveying the colleges on their temporary-project needs;
- Endorsed the concept of creating a teacher-preparation partnership with the
K-12 sector. Studies indicate that 44 percent of teachers started at a community
college. Illinois is one of three states participating in an Education Commission
of the States study on community colleges' role in addressing the anticipated
teacher shortage, such as offering dual admission with university teacher-training
programs, providing re-certification and alternative certification courses, and
expanding scholarship and mentoring opportunities for future teachers;
- Were informed that ICCB president/CEO Joseph Cipfl and chair Edward Duffy
have met with the Chicago Tribune editorial board to discuss a recent editorial
that was critical of community colleges; and
- Were informed that five presidents are serving on an Illinois Board of Higher
Education committee to study degree completion.
The next ICCTA Board of Representatives meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 8, 2001,
at the Hilton Hotel in Springfield. For information, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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