ICCTA Board Highlights
March 18, 2003
The ICCTA Board of Representatives took the following
actions at its March 15, 2003, meeting at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois:
- Approved ICCTA’s state legislative agenda for 2003;
- Reviewed the February 17 meeting between the leaders of ICCTA and the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
IBHE will 1) complete the funding equity study mandated by the Illinois General Assembly, 2) publish the
criteria for its capitol project priority list; 2) support the expansion of Monetary Award Program grants
beyond tuition and fees, and 4) support the doubling of the Illinois Incentive for Access grants;
- Approved the recommendations of the Illinois Community College Board’s Funding Task Force. Voting no
were Joan DiLeonardi (Oakton), Jerry Wright (Illinois Central), and Ed Levina (Morton). ICCB will call
a special meeting to adopt the recommendations;
- Adopted the association’s budget for fiscal year 2004. ICCTA will draw upon its reserves again this year
to limit the dues increase to 1.9 percent;
- Received the Nominating Committee’s slate of ICCTA officers for 2003-2004:
- * Rev. Albert Tyson III (Chicago) – vice president
- * Tom Bennett (Parkland) – secretary
- * Don Johannes (Rock Valley) – treasurer
The Board of Representatives will elect officers at its June 21 meeting in Chicago;
- Were reminded that the nominations deadline for ICCTA’s faculty, business and student essay awards
is Friday, March 28. ICCTA’s annual awards banquet will be held on Friday, June 20, in Chicago.
- Observed a moment of silence for Terry Harmston (Highland), Marge Whitman (Oakton), Patricia Maun
(Prairie State), John Coghill, Sr. (Moraine Valley), and George Chiligiris (husband of Richland trustee
Carol Chiligiris);
- Welcomed Jacob Gorman as ICCTA’s newest Associate Member;
- Commended William Rainer Harper College president Robert Brueder and board chair Kris Howard for hosting
ICCTA’s March seminar and board meeting and for coordinating a reception with U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald;
- Learned that ICCB is complying with Gov. Blagojevich’s request to reserve operations funding by 8 percent
and grants to colleges by 5 percent (or $19 million). Universities received a similar request but have not
fully complied. More clarification on whether the reserve funds will be restored may be available in the next week;
- Were informed that three new presidents will be joining the Illinois community college system: Dr. Sinul Chand
at the College of DuPage, Dr. Walt Packard at McHenry County College, and Dr. Sylvia Ramos at Richard J. Daley
The next ICCTA Board of Representatives meeting will take place on Tuesday evening, April 29, 2003, at the Hilton Hotel
in Springfield, Illinois. For information, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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