ICCTA Board Highlights
Nov. 13, 2001

The ICCTA Board of Representatives took the following actions at its Nov. 10, 2001, meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago, Illinois:

  • Noted the recent death of former John Wood Community College trustee Tom Troutner;

  • Heard an update on the Prairie State Achievement Exam, which is used to measure student progress toward the Illinois Learning Standards. Spring 2001 PSAE results show that Illinois educators face the challenges of 1) boosting the performance of students from low-income households, and 2) counseling the approximately 10,000 high school juniors who earned ACT scores of 18 or higher but have no plans to attend college;

  • Learned that the Executive Committee approved a salary-enhancement package in recognition of executive director Gary Davis’ retirement in 2004. The package includes a 15-percent increase in Davis’ base salary during each of his final three years;

  • Were informed that Dr. Davis will tackle three projects during his final three years with the Trustees Association: 1) addressing the "creative tension" between ICCTA and other educational entities; 2) continuing to promote ICCTA’s new non-dues revenue programs, 3) and working to raise the system’s profile among the state’s business leaders;

  • Welcomed Anita Broeren and Eleanor McGuan-Boza as ICCTA’s newest Associate Members;

  • Asked boards to review 1) a chart detailing college participation in ICCTA’s awards programs, and 2) a "Top 10 List of Diversity Questions for Community Colleges";

  • Were reminded that ICCTA’s Federal Fly-In is scheduled for Feb. 12-13, 2002, in conjunction with the Association of Community College Trustees’ National Legislative Seminar. Because of limited hotel space, trustees need to make their room reservations as soon as possible. (Register for the ICCTA Fly-In by clicking here.

  • Received Lake Land College’s request that ICCTA adopt a resolution asking the Illinois General Assembly for $1 billion in community college capital funding over five years. The Board of Representatives will take up this resolution in January;

  • Learned that Don Patton (Shawnee) will chair the association’s Nominating Committee;

  • Approved changes in ICCTA’s Operating Manual regarding employment procedures, resignations, salary recommendations, vacation accrual, sick-leave payouts, and personal leave;

  • Appointed Barbara Oilschlager (Lake County), Lin Warfel (Parkland), and Dean West (Southeastern) to represent the Trustees Association on the Illinois Community College Board’s systemwide funding formula task force. Warfel will co-chair the task force with Dr. Robert Luther, president of Lake Land College;

  • Approved a resolution allowing ICCTA employees to take advantage of a recent Internal Revenue Service ruling to use payroll deductions to purchase prior service credit with the State Universities Retirement System was adopted;

  • Reaffirmed that ICCTA, ICCB and the Presidents Council are committed to protecting the system’s budget from cutbacks and to build upon the $50 million designated for capital projects this year;

  • Were informed that State Rep. Tom Ryder is resigning from the legislature and will join ICCB as vice president for external affairs on Nov. 13; and

  • Acknowledged the contributions of Jim Russell (Kishwaukee) and Mary Karasek (Morton), who are retiring from their boards after many years of service.
The next ICCTA Board of Representatives meeting will take place on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield. For information, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.

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Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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