ICCTA Board Highlights
Sept. 16, 2002
The ICCTA Board of Representatives took the following
actions at its Sept. 14, 2002, meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Illinois:
- Unanimously approved a resolution honoring Rich Anderson
(Lake County) for his outstanding leadership as ICCTA’s 2001 -
2002 president;
- Adopted a resolution of support for the recommendations of the
Illinois Community College Board’s July 2002 Funding Study Task
- Welcomed John Maloney as ICCTA’s newest Associate Member;
- Learned that ICCTA’s November seminar will focus on board/
president relations;
- Encouraged trustees to submit suggestions for ICCTA’s 2003
legislative agenda;
- Were informed that the Illinois General Assembly will hold its
fall veto session on Nov. 19 - 21 and Dec. 3 - 5;
- Were reminded of the Association of Community College Trustees’
Sept. 18 - 21 convention in Philadelphia. Jim Ayers (Parkland) and
Dave Maguire (Spoon River) are candidates for the ACCT board, and
Barbara Oilschlager (Lake County) is running for the Central Region
Nominating Committee;
- Heard that the results of the statewide Economic Impact Study will
be announced on Sept. 24 at press conferences in Springfield and
- Were updated on student voter registration drives planned for Sept.
30 - Oct. 4. ICCTA is co-sponsoring this initiative with the ICCB Student
Advisory Committee;
- Received a report on the first meeting of the ICCB Adult Education
Funding Task Force. John O’Keefe (Logan) and Patrick Botterman
(Harper) represent ICCTA on this committee; and
Learned that ICCB will host systemwide video conferences with
gubernatorial candidates Jim Ryan and Rod Blagojevich in the next
few weeks.
The next ICCTA Board of Representatives meeting will take place on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2002,
at the Swissotel in Chicago. For information, contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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