ICCTA Certificate of Merit
2004 Recipients

Dr. Wayne Chapin
Former trustee
Highland Community College

After 42 years in veterinary medicine, Dr. Wayne Chapin began a new career in 1985 as a Highland Community College trustee. He served nearly 20 years on the board (from 1985 to 2004), including 10 years as board chair. Dr. Chapin enjoyed talking with legislators about the college’s needs, and he was instrumental in building community support for Highland’s successful March 2004 referendum. As a strong advocate of regular retreats, he made the Highland board a leader in trustee development.

In addition, Dr. Chapin was a model of faithful attendance and careful stewardship at both the local and state levels. A quiet and steady influence, he served on ICCTA’s Executive Committee for three years, providing the association with perspective and wisdom. He also chaired ICCTA’s Northwest Region for three terms, where he fostered cooperation with neighboring colleges. Most notably, he was the first to earn four ICCTA Trustee Education Awards for his continuing commitment to lifelong learning.

Donald B. Johannes
Former trustee
Rock Valley College

Don Johannes has spent much of his adult life in service to public education, beginning in 1959 as superintendent of Manchester Elementary District. Later he served as the state’s director of high school adult education programs and as director of admissions at Rock Valley College. He then embarked upon a successful career in insurance and investment sales. In 1985 he won election to the Rock Valley College Board of Trustees, a post he held until 2003. During his tenure, he served as board secretary, vice chair, and as chair for three terms. In turn, Rock Valley expanded and renovated its facilities -- including the building of the Woodward Technology Center -- and launched its first $10 million capital campaign.

At the state level, Johannes chaired ICCTA’s West Suburban Region for two terms and its Workforce Training Forum for two years. A member of ICCTA’s Executive, Finance and Nominating committees, he served 13 years as Rock Valley’s delegate to the association’s governing board. At the time of his resignation as a trustee, Johannes was again sharing his fiscal expertise as ICCTA’s treasurer and Finance Committee chair.

For additional information on ICCTA's Certificate of Merit, please contact Kim Villanueva at 217-528-2858, ext. 1.

Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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