ICCTA Equity Award
2010 Recipient
Oakton Community College
Oakton Community College's mission statement begins with the words,
"We are the community's college." As the ethnic composition of Oakton's district has changed,
so has the efforts of the college to change with it.
Over the past eight years, Oakton has developed a successful strategic enrollment and marketing plan
that focuses on increasing the numbers of students from previously underserved populations.
Dr. Gregory James (center) of Oakton Community College
accepts ICCTA's 2010 Equity Award from ICCTA Equity
Committee chair Phyllis Folarin and ICCTA vice president David Harby. |
Outreach and mentoring activities are conducted with high school students,
parents and the local ministerial alliance. As a result, spring 2010 applications from Hispanic students were up 23 percent, and applications
from African-American students rose 48 percent.
To support its commitment to employing a diverse staff, Oakton redesigned its recruitment and hiring
processes across campus. The college has also committed to fund anti-bias training for at least
80 percent of the faculty, staff and administration by 2012.
In addition, Oakton's board of trustees is one of the more diverse in the state. Currently the board
is composed of three women (including one African-American) and four men (including one African-American
and one Asian).
For additional information on ICCTA's Equity
Award, please contact
Kim Villanueva at 1-800-454-2282, ext. 1.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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