ICCTA Outstanding Faculty Member Award
2002 Recipient

Dr. Joan Ferrell
Southeastern Illinois College

Dr. Joan Ferrell's 31-year teaching career certainly has ended on a high note. The English/French instructor from Southeastern Illinois College has been selected from among 35 other nominees statewide as Illinois' top community college faculty member.

Earlier this year, Ferrell was chosen by her fellow SIC instructors to receive the school's Loren and Velma Dallas Outstanding Teacher Award, established in memorium to a longtime member of the SIC board of trustees.

In addition to her recent teaching honors, Ferrell has received numerous community and professional awards during her career.

ICCTA Awards Committee chair Jim Beasley congratulates Outstanding Faculty Member winner Dr. Joan Ferrell of Southeastern Illinois College.
ICCTA Awards Committee chair
Jim Beasley presents the 2002 Outstanding
Faculty Member Award to Dr. Joan
Ferrell of Southeastern Illinois College.

Her accolades include recognition by the Outstanding Educators of America, a National Institute for Staff Development Excellence in Education Award, and a Frontier Award for creating a distance learning course.

"I've tried to show that any kind of inequality is ultimately destructive to everyone," Ferrell says of her teaching philosophy. "Students discover truths in their writing assignments, not only about the material but about themselves and their own culture as well. I want them ultimately to learn to think for themselves and to realize that no one person or group holds the ultimate truth."

To read Dr. Ferrell's remarks upon accepting her 2002 Outstanding Faculty Member Award, please click here .

For additional information on ICCTA's Outstanding Faculty Member Award, please contact Kim Villanueva at 217-528-2858, ext. 1.

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