ICCTA Outstanding Full-Time
Faculty Member Award

2010 Recipient

Dr. Wendy Brown
Danville Area Community College

As a community college graduate, Dr. Wendy Brown celebrates all those who enter her classroom, whether they are gifted scholars or those challenged by science.

Her students at Danville Area Community College benefit from hands-on experiences that bring science to life.

Thanks to such activities as Family Science nights, trips to state parks, or even catching and counting grasshoppers for class projects, she ensures that students see the real-world relevance of what they are learning.

Dr. Wendy Brown of Danville Area Community College accepts ICCTA's 2010 Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Member Award from ICCTA vice president David Harby.
Dr. Wendy Brown of Danville Area Community College
accepts ICCTA's 2010 Outstanding Full-Time Faculty
Member Award from ICCTA vice president David Harby.

Dr. Brown is also a "teacher of teachers." She developed Danville's first hybrid science course and led the way in adapting SMARTboards and I-Clicker for the classroom. Now she trains her colleagues on how best to use these emerging technologies.

In addition, Dr. Brown is a collaborative leader. She co-chairs Danville's "Achieving the Dream" initiative and serves as Student Diversity Advocate.

As president of the Faculty Association, she and her team members successfully negotiated the college's first five-year collective bargaining agreement.

It's little wonder that she recently was named by the local Danville newspaper as one of the area's outstanding leaders for 2010.

For additional information on ICCTA's Outstanding Faculty Member Award, please contact Kim Villanueva at 1-800-454-2282, ext. 1.

Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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