ICCTA Gigi Campbell
Student Trustee Excellence Award

2006 Recipient

Jason Wallace
Heartland Community College

Jason Wallace has served far beyond the call of duty as the student member of the Heartland Community College Board of Trustees and as a member of the armed forces.

Elected in April 2005, his term of office was delayed when his Illinois National Guard unit was activated and deployed to Iraq.

In June, only 48 hours after returning home from the Middle East, he assumed office and attended the Illinois Community College Board’s Student Leadership Institute in Chicago.

Jason Wallace (far right) accepts ICCTA's 2006 Gigi Campbell Student Trustee Excellence Award from Heartland Community College trustee Cindy Brand and president Jon Astroth.

Jason Wallace (far right) accepts ICCTA's 2006
Gigi Campbell Student Trustee Excellence Award
from Heartland Community College trustee Cindy Brand and president Jon Astroth.

“In the Air Force there are three core values that I carry close to my heart: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all that we do,” he says.

“This not only allows me to be a good soldier, but also an excellent student trustee.”

Although Wallace has earned his associate degree and is still on active military duty, he enrolled in two courses at Heartland in spring 2006 so that he could complete his term as student trustee. He has also taken a leadership role in ICCB's statewide Student Advisory Committee.

For additional information on ICCTA's Gigi Campbell Student Trustee Excellence Award, please contact Kim Villanueva at 1-800-454-2282, ext. 1.

Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)

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