SB 1734 -- City Colleges of Chicago Procurement Threshold
This ICCTA initiative amends the Public Community College Act
to make the City Colleges of Chicago’s bidding thresholds the
same as the state’s other 38 community college districts. It requires
the CCC Board of Trustees to let a contract for supplies, materials,
or work by competitive bidding if the contract involves an expenditure
in excess of $10,000 (instead of $5,000).
Governor's Action: Signed into law as Public Act 92-0713
SB 1686 -- Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing Act
This bill would extend the repeal of the Professional Counselor and
Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing Act. It also makes changes
in provisions concerning definitions, the exemption for students,
interns, and residents, unlicensed practice, and qualifications for a license.
Governor's Action: Vetoed by Gov. Ryan
SB 1756 -- Open Meetings Act - Minutes Posted on the Web
ICCTA modified its OPPOSE position on SB 1756 when a 72-hour meeting notice requirement
(currently 48 hours) was removed from the bill. The bill now amends the Open Meetings
Act to require that a public body post its meeting notices, agendas, and minutes on
its website if the public body maintain its own website.
Governor's action: Vetoed by Gov. Ryan
SB 1953 -- Teacher Certification
This bill requires that a student must pass the basic skills test prior
to being admitted to a teacher preparation program.
Governor's action: Signed into law as Public Act 92-0734.
HB 1720 -- Collective Bargaining Rights for Part-Time Faculty
Amends the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act to redefine a "short-term employee."
The change -- which provides that the employee must not have a reasonable expectation
(instead of a reasonable assurance) that he or she will be rehired -- would permit
part-time employees to organize and be recognized as a bargaining unit.
Governor's Action: Signed into law as Public Act 92-0748
HB 2370 -- SURS "30 and Out" Retirement Option
Amends the State Universities Retirement System Act to make permanent a currently
temporary "30 and out" retirement provision. This change, which will allow retirement
from SURS at any age if the participant has accrued 30 years of service, takes effect
Governor's action: Signed into law as Public Act 92-0749
HB 3098 -- Written Certification of Open Meeting (Dart)
This Illinois Press Association bill requires that the presiding officer
of a closed meeting certify in writing that the session did not violate
the Open Meetings Act.
Governor's Action: Amendatorily vetoed February 8 to require that the
presiding officer must certify that he or she believes the Open Meetings Act
was not violated "only if that is his or her belief." The General Assembly,
however, did not vote to accept or override his veto within the time period
allowed by the state Constitution, so HB 3098 is now dead.
HB 4351 -- MAP Grants for Part-Time Students
This bill removes a requirement that a student be enrolled for
at least 6 semester or quarter hours for the term to maintain
eligibility for the Monetary Award Program.
Governor's Action: Signed into law as Public Act 92-0713
HB 4912 -- Minority Teacher Scholarship Program
HB 4912 makes changes to the Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship
Program, such as allowing a person enrolled at the freshman level or
graduate level to qualify for a scholarship, allowing qualifying students
to be enrolled on a half-time basis, and requiring a scholarship recipient
to begin teaching within the one-year period following termination of
the undergraduate program.
Governor's action: Signed into law on August 23
HB 6061 -- Build Illinois / Illinois FIRST Projects
This legislation is the "capital-projects" piece of the FY 2003 State Budget and includes the
following items for the Illinois community college system:
Illinois Community College Board (statewide improvements) -- $6,071,700
ICCB (2nd installment of 5-year building program) -- $50 million
Lake Land College (student services building addition) -- $6,721,600
William Rainey Harper College (bondable infrastructure improvements) --
Lewis and Clark Community College (capital projects at the N.O. Nelson
Complex) -- $5 million
City Colleges of Chicago (one-stop information system) -- $2 million
Governor's Action: The Governor amendatorily vetoed specific line items
related to construction projects at Illinois prisons and mental-health centers
that had been previously targeted for closure. The rest of the bill (including
all community college capital projects) was signed into law as Public Act 92-0717.
For additional information on state legislative issues,
contact ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax) (e-mail) |
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