ICCTA Certificate of Merit
2005 Recipients
Barbara Barton
Kris Howard
Dr. Richard Kolze
Former trustees
William Rainey Harper College
With their combined 55 years of service on the William Rainey Harper College
Board of Trustees, these three Certificate of Merit recipients epitomize the concept of "teamwork."
Barton served both her board and her state association with honor and graciousness.
As ICCTA's president during 1991 - 1992, Barbara Barton focused her
efforts on enhancing trustee development and participation. Committee
chairs were trained in presentation skills. A seminar was delivered locally
to trustee in three locations. The association even tackled a bylaws review
and a realignment of its nine regions. |
Former Harper trustees Dr. Richard Kolze
(left), Kris Howard, and Barbara Barton accept
their Certificates of Merit, as ICCTA
president Albert D. Tyson III presides. |
Legislative advocacy was another Barton legacy. She helped establish the
"Breakfast with legislators" as part of Harper College's
government relations program and developed a lobbying handbook as a
member of the ICCTA state relations committee.
"The more we tell our story, the more it will be heard," she once said. Her children are living
proof: all six attended community colleges before transferring to four-year
Even before her election to the Harper College board in 1981, Kris Howard
volunteered as a goodwill ambassador by campaigning for the 1965
referendum that established the school.
She has since worked with all four of Harper's presidents to expand college enrollment, course offerings and
campus facilities.
"I think Harper has trained half of the people in the Northwest suburbs in how to use a computer," she jokes.
In addition to serving at least one term each as board chair, vice chair,
secretary, and ICCTA representative, Howard was the trustee liaison to the
Harper College Foundation. In 2000 she was awarded the Lt. Governor's
Illinois Woman Achievement Award, in part for her work establishing
Harper's Women's History Month Committee.
Dick Kolze's experience as a school superintendent gave him a unique perspective as a member of the Harper
College Board of Trustees.
After 20 years as superintendent of Palatine-Schaumburg High School
District 211, Kolze continued his service to education by completing
12 years on the Harper board. He took a vital interest in the work
of the board's technology committee, insuring that technology would be
integral to harper's strategic direction. He also served as a member of the
campus master planning and construction committee.
As board chair from 1997 to 2001, Kolze led the college's search for a new
president and was a strong proponent of technology. Citing technology's ability to transform the
teaching and learning experience, he led Harper's successful efforts to pass an $88 million referendum
for a new science, health careers and emerging technology center.
For additional information on ICCTA's Certificate of
Merit, please contact
Kim Villanueva at 1-800-454-2282, ext. 1.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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