ICCTA's Mission
The Illinois Community College Trustees Association
was created in 1970 with a two-fold mission: to provide community college advocacy and trustee development opportunities to the
board members of the state's public community colleges.
Community College Advocacy
As the Trustees' representative before legislators and public officials, the Trustees Association:
Monitors the Illinois Community College Board, the Illinois Board of Higher
Education, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, the Illinois State Board
of Education, the Joint Education Committee, the U.S. Department
of Education, and other government agencies
Tracks state and federal legislation and legislative committees
Updates trustees through regular legislative alerts
Organizes annual Lobby Days in Springfield and Washington, D.C.
Operates a toll-free legislative hotline and e-mail listserv
Publishes a legislative directory
Recognizes outstanding state lawmakers and officials
Distributes news releases on college and trustee achievements
Assists district PR officers in promoting community colleges
Honors outstanding faculty, graduates, and business partners
Sponsors the Paul Simon Student Essay Contest and the Gandhi/King Peace Scholarship
Assists in referendum campaigns
Trustee Development
ICCTA also offers continuing education to trustees through:
Seminars and roundtables
Timely e-mail alert, faxes and mailings
An annual convention
Trustee opinion surveys
Quick Survey research
A board self-evaluation manual
Trained retreat facilitators
A New Trustees Orientation, information packets, a training video, and a
Welcome to the Board book for new trustees
Trustee achievement awards
A trustees directory.
For more information on ICCTA and its activities, contact
ICCTA at 1-800-454-2282.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone) • 217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org |