ICCTA Outstanding Part-Time
Faculty Member Award
2012 Recipient
Joseph Fatheree
Lake Land College
Joseph Fatheree has a true commitment to P-20 education.
In addition to teaching history and technology courses at Effingham High School, he is a
dual credit instructor in Lake Land College's humanities and business divisions.
He is also a filmmaker who has co-produced three award-winning films that have aired nationally on PBS and the Documentary Channel.
Joseph Fatheree (right) accepts ICCTA's 2012 Outstanding Part-Time Faculty Member Award from
Association of Community College Trustees president/CEO Noah Brown. |
Responding to community needs, Fatheree developed the curriculum for Lake Land's basic animation course.
Students enrolled in this class host an annual film festival that draws nearly 2,000 attendees.
He also serves on several committees and advisory boards that
focus on how to improve the educational delivery system for schools around the United States.
In 2006, Fatheree was named Illinois Teacher of the Year by the State Board of Education. Three years later,
he was recognized as one of the top educators in the country by the National Education Association.
"As an instructional leader, I believe it is my duty to help facilitate student learning," says Fatheree.
"I have created a culture in my classroom that encourages the students to become vested partners in the
learning process....My overarching goals are to continue work with business, political and community
leaders around the country to create a culture that ensures the education of our children is a
national priority, and the system that provides it is second to none."
For additional information on ICCTA's Outstanding
Faculty Member Award, please contact
Kim Villanueva at 1-800-454-2282, ext. 1.
Illinois Community College Trustees Association
401 E. Capitol Ave., Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62701-1711
217-528-2858 (phone)
217-528-8662 (fax)
ICCTA@communitycolleges.org (e-mail)
http://www.communitycolleges.org |
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